Nonjohn Book Archive

Nonjohn on the Steps of Gilman Hall at Johns Hopkins University

    Nonjohn plays his Yamaha DX-7 and Yamaha RX-5 on the steps of Gilman Hall during the 1988 Spring Fair at the Johns Hopkins University Homewood Campus.  Hopkins student Mike Greenfield can be seen playing saxophone in the back left of the photo.  The two women vocalists in the foreground were also Hopkins students.  This photo was used by the Johns Hopkins Office of Student Activities and the Hopkins Union as their advertisement photo to congratulate the Class of 1988 on page 262 of Hullabaloo '88, the Johns Hopkins Yearbook.

Gilman Hall on the Cover of Hullabaloo '88

Gilman Hall is the most well-known building and forms one of the sides of the main quadrangle on the Johns Hopkins University Homewood campus in Baltimore, Maryland.

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